Scrappy Start is here to help new or would-be entrepreneurs and solopreneurs, take action, and get their ideas working!
You stare at your great idea. You are paralyzed, not knowing where to start. It happens to everyone at some point. You know you need to take action. When will you have enough ready to push start? Every brand starts from zero. Even the big, famous brands you admire. Scrappy Start is here to help you to get moving with real action. Avoid actions that feel like action, but don’t help you make true progress.
I’ve been there, I should have had this site running in November of 2020. That’s when I bought the domain! That stage feels like action, right? That is not even a baby step. More like a toe wiggle. The tips I share here are things that have helped me get real traction.
I am Mike Kunze. I’ve worked in ad agencies, media production, marketing, learning, leadership training, web development, manufacturing, food service, supply chain… all over the place. I’ve closely followed THE BEST launch coaches!! I even worked for one a famous one in late 2020. It was fantastic, I learned a ton.
I am developing systems to get online businesses started and selling fast. If you have an idea and want it up and running, I want to help you to avoid the sticky mire of technical obstacles, internal fear, or resistance, and get started directly.
Simple Tools to Help You Get Your Business Ideas Started Fast
I’m Mike. I’m currently pulling my tools together to help people with an idea get their business or side-hustle up and running. Too many times, we get stuck on an obstacle or held back by our own fears of success. Scrappy Start is here to encourage you forward.
In the spirit of sharing my work, or doing it in public, I’m building this site in full view. I decided to not hesitate, waiting until I fully refined the idea. I wanted to inspire action and to allow the conversations that it starts to help shape the site.
What do these characters have in common?
These characters prepare or equip the heroes with the tools they need to on their adventures. I want to be this for you! You are the hero.
I’m in my own Scrappy Start
(If this little P.S. message is in place, it means I’m aware that my content may look thin. Where are your blog posts? Why don’t you have stuff in your social accounts yet? Beginning in Spring-Summer 2021, I’m in that ugly-duckling stage of getting those first steps happening. I’m starting now… I’m starting scrappy!)
I’ll be setting up some more of the core content over the next few days. Keep watching!